General Interview Tips

Congratulations! After submitting a successful job application, you have a chance for an interview. As a general rule, always come prepared. Preparing ahead of time is the key to any successful interview. At Nosres, we believe an interview should not be stressful and confusing. Consequently, we are striving to provide you with a memorable interview experience. Here are some tips to help you stand out and increase your likelihood of hiring.

  1. Pre-Interview
    • Do your homework. It is essential to research the company’s products and culture. It will show that you are curious about our company and that your skills and values align with its interests. In addition, it will help you better prepare to answer the interview questions effectively.

    • Reread your résumé and the job posting. Spend time reading your résumé and the job posting again very carefully to find interconnections between them. Identify the skills, experience, or qualifications you possess that support your candidacy for the position.

    • Get ready for the interview format. We may conduct interviews in different formats, including phone and video interviews, in-office interviews, and out-of-office interviews. Our interview process is currently entirely virtual. Consequently, we suggest finding a quiet place with adequate lighting and without interruptions. Additionally, check the technology setup you will use, including webcam and microphone, headphones, internet connection, and mobile phone reception.

    • Familiarize yourself with the interview stages. We want to make the interview as structured, crystal clear, and relaxing as possible. Our interview consists of five stages. Check out those stages to be more prepared and confident.

    • Write down answers to common job interview questions. It is indeed difficult to predict what types of questions you will be asked during the interview, but it’s beneficial to learn how to answer common interview questions with confidence and clarity.

    • Draw up a list of smart questions for the interviewer. Typically, we will invite you to ask your questions before the end of the interview. Your questions are crucial to us. Therefore, we encourage you to prepare relevant questions about the job or company if you have any.

    • Rehearse your job interview. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” So, practice as much as you can. You can ask a family member or a friend to play the role of interviewer. Remember to ask them to give you genuine feedback. If it is a phone or video interview, run through it with a family member or a friend to ensure everything goes smoothly.

  2. Interview
    • Be punctual. Punctuality is crucial when it comes to interview at Nosres. Hence, plan your schedule to arrive 10 to15 minutes early to complete any necessary paperwork, have time relax, and use the restroom if needed. Remember to bring a government-issued ID such as driver’s license, passport, etc., to check in.

    • Bring hard copies of your résumé, a notebook and a pen. Of course, we will have a printed copy of your résumé and cover letter, but remember to bring your own. In addition, bring a pen and a notebook to take notes.

    • Be authentic and honest. At Nosres, we value authenticity and honesty. So, it is paramount to act like yourself. Be positive and tell the truth when answering questions. If you cannot answer a question, be honest and ask the interviewer to provide more explanation.

    • Keep your answers specific, detailed, and concise. Avoid giving lengthy or unclear answers to the interviewer’s questions. When the interviewer asks you a question, take a deep breath so you can organize your thoughts to provide a thoughtful, concise, and well-delivered answer. Remember to keep your eye on the time because your time with the interviewer is limited.

    • Ask smart questions. Now it’s your turn to ask questions. It is an opportunity to know more about us and the position you are applying for. Not only does it show that you are interested in Nosres and the role, but also it’s a proof that you have a general understanding of what we need.

  3. Post-Interview
    • Ask for the next step. Generally, the recruiting team will follow up with the interview results within a week or two following your interview. But remember to ask when you can expect to hear back about the next steps or the hiring decision.

    • Submit take-home assignments in a timely fashion. If we ask you to complete a take-home interview assignment, please provide quality work within a reasonable time frame. It is an opportunity for you to showcase more skills and go beyond the answers to your interview questions.